Signs of a Healthy Company Culture

3 min. read

An amazing company culture is one of the top reasons people want to work somewhere, so what should you look for in a company and it's culture?

You spend more time at work than any other activity, so it’s important to feel appreciated and energized while at work. That old saying, “Find a job doing something you love, and it will never seem like work” is certainly true, but where you work is just as important.

A great company culture is one of the top 10 reasons people want to work for a company. Even though you love the work you do, the wrong company culture can make you miserable.

So, what do you look for in a company to gauge their culture?

Open communication

One of the most important aspects of an amazing workplace is an emphasis on open and honest communication. Great companies share information and include employees in management ideas and decisions. Communication flows both ways, so there must be feedback systems in place too. A free flow of communication, transparency, and honesty build trust and let people feel part of the company.

Common Values

The days of ‘just a job’ are long gone. Most employees like to feel they’re making a difference and doing good while earning a living. Does the company have a statement of values, mission, and purpose? Their values will give you a strong indication of what their culture is and what they’re aiming to achieve. If you can relate to and identify with their values, it’s likely a culture you’d be comfortable working there.

Happy Employees

A company with a great culture has employees who have been there for many years. They’re quite content where they are and have no plans to look for another job. Achieving this takes good job descriptions, training, and mentoring. A comfortable and attractive physical environment makes a difference too. As does finding out what people need to work well without distraction or disharmony and providing those perks. And, of course, pay that is adequate for that position.

Apart from these obvious items, the culture also takes into account how people interact and provides opportunities for fun and comradery. When there is a general sense of wellbeing in a company, you’ll see smiling faces and employees engaged in collaborative projects.

Increased Productivity

A workplace with a strong culture of employee wellbeing at its core is not just about making people feel good. A study conducted by the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School found that happy employees are 13 percent more productive. And it’s not because they work longer hours. Happy employees work faster and produce better outcomes, which has a positive effect on the bottom line.

People Want to be Part of an Amazing Workplace

Listen to what people say about the company. Read reviews online. When lots of people express an interest in working for a company, you can be sure that there is a good company culture there. According to the Hired 2020 Brand Health Report that ranks companies for how much people want to work there, the right company culture attracts the best candidates.

If you’re considering changing jobs, take a good look at the culture of the companies you’re considering joining. Working in a company with a culture that fits in with your ideas, beliefs, and values, can make coming to work a positive experience.