Certified Amazing Workplace

Michael Sullivan & Associates

Law Firms & Legal Services

Very Happy

Actual Employees

Certified Happy™ - 2023


Maybe Employees?

Other Review Websites

How is Employee Happiness™ Measured?

How is Employee Happiness™ Measured?

Certified Happy Employees

A Certified Amazing Workplace™ is one whose employees are happy or very happy. Employee happiness comes from actual employees that work at a workplace. Workplaces that have taken an Amazing Workplace's Employee Happiness Survey™ can receive a Certified Employee Happiness feeling. Employee happiness is measured using Amazing Workplace's Standards. To learn more, please see Employee Happiness.

Employees are surveyed using Amazing Workplace's Employee Happiness Survey™. Employees are verified; only actual employees can take surveys. Surveys are in a closed system, without outside influence, and anonymous. Participation levels are very high, averaging over 70%. Surveys represent the most accurate picture of how employees feel about their workplace.

Amazing Workplaces have a common goal to improve employee happiness. Workplaces that are not yet certified, but are actively working with Amazing Workplace to improve employee happiness are recognized for Actively Improving employee happiness.

Verified Scores

Verified scores come from independent ranking companies that verify employment. Verified scores are from actual employees that work at a workplace. Workplaces that have received “top 100” or “100 best” awards from ranking companies have verified scores.

Verified scores are calculated and then compared to other companies that participate in ranking competitions that take place annually. While there isn't a standard used, companies that get ranked have created a great place to work. Scores are tied to a specific time period and can be relied on to see how employees feel about a company as of a specific period of time.

Employees are verified; only actual employees can take surveys. Surveys are in a closed system, without outside influence. Participation levels are high, averaging over 35% of employees at most companies. Verified scores are presented using Amazing Workplace's employee happiness standards.

Other Review Websites

This score comes from people that have left online reviews of a company. Reviews might be from current or former employees, or they may be from anyone. There is no way to verify that an "employee" review is actually from an employee of the company reviewed. Anyone can post a review on "employee" review sites. They can do this for any company, at any time, and with no verification that they actually worked for the company they are reviewing.

Other review websites keep a record of every review going back in time forever. The score does not reflect current reviews, just the entire bucket of reviews forever. There are no participation requirements and participation levels are low, averaging less than 10% for most companies. Based on what we know about other review websites, do we really know how happy employees are?

Learn More about “employee” review sites here: Solve Inaccurate Online Reviews.

Company Overview

Michael Sullivan & Associates was founded in 1996. The law firm started in a small office over the Santa Monica playhouse, but by 2008, we relocated our corporate office to Los Angeles and opened satellite offices in Orange County, San Diego, and the Central Valley. The firm grew quickly, as clients were attracted to our aggressive and proactive work and associates sought employment with the firm to receive our extensive professional training. MS&A has continued to grow over the years and currently has ten law offices located in key regions throughout California, with hundreds of clients and a talented group of employees. Robust civil, employment, and subrogation law sections have been added to our initial workers' compensation practice, allowing MS&A to become a full-service law firm for California employers and carriers. In 2011, MS&A published its first edition of Sullivan on Comp, our multi-volume treatise on California workers' compensation law. This annually updated treatise has since become the standard research text on California workers' compensation law and has helped establish MS&A as a leader in that practice area. MS&A looks forward to continued growth based on our distinctive practice. Basic principles are the key to our success—these include: listening to clients and partnering with them to achieve their goals; establishing a productive and innovative culture of teamwork within the firm, and a strong principle-driven dedication to strong relationships, within and outside the firm.

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El Segundo, CA