Best Places to Work

6 min. read

What are some of the best places to work this year.

As the year rolls on and we get used to saying that it is 2021 rather than 2020 it is easy to see how much has changed in such a small space of time. The world came to a grinding halt a year ago and many things have changed since, and new ways of working have made a lot of folks re-evaluate what is important to them. Figuring out what type of company you want to work for is a big part of how you live your life going forward. The last year has posed many challenges and it’s no wonder that many folks are trying to figure out what is important to them. Having a year to pause and reflect on things might not be a bad thing if you take the time to make a positive change.

Many companies shut their doors permanently and lots of people experienced financial insecurity in 2020. Corporate entities laid-off workers or dealt with the challenges in ways that could have been improved. However, there have been companies that have thrived during the pandemic and some have invested heavily in their team members. A crisis quickly highlights the culture in the place you work. The cracks show immediately and things can go from bad to worse in the blink of an eye. Working in an environment that takes it out of you rather than adding value to your life is not something that most people desire. They won’t put up with it for long. They will go somewhere where they are appreciated.

This year FORTUNE used research to compile the 2021 FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For. They looked at how people were treated in the workplace as well as other factors like how trustworthy, caring, and fair the company is in times of crisis. They also took special care to explore how employees’ experiences varied across the spectrum of gender, race, ethnicity, level of job, and pay. A real in-depth look at the companies shows employees’ physical as well as emotional health. They also take into account the company’s broader community impact to see which organizations are making a difference in the world.

Not everyone wants the same things. We don’t all have the same priorities. On the list of top companies, there are breakdowns of the reasons they were awarded the result they were. 100 of the top companies are listed so you can spend a good amount of time looking at different reactions to the pandemic across the board. Make sure you take into account how you would want to treat others and be treated in return as you go through the decision-making process. See if you agree or disagree with how they all dealt with the challenges thrown at them. It has been a truly unprecedented time but at the same time, we can take stock of what is important to us all. Ask yourself “What is it that is the magic ingredient that makes a great place to work?”

Another great list to have a look at is from LinkedIn. The 2021 LinkedIn Top Companies list is the fifth-annual ranking of the 50 best workplaces Linkedin says are the best to grow your career. Their methodology has seven key pillars, each revealing an important element of career progression.

They find out which companies offer an ability to advance and whether there are skills growth programs. Another factor they look at is how stable the organization is. Gender diversity and educational background are looked at as well to see how equal the workplace is and whether there are any external opportunities.

Coming in at number one on the Linkedin list is Amazon. This means the entire corporation which also owns Whole Foods, Audible, Zappos, and more. The COVID-19 Pandemic pushed the company into a new realm with the boom in online shopping. Their retail business went through the roof. They hired about 400,000 people in the U.S. last year and it has more than 30,000 openings now. It is a company in which you can work your way up. People have started out in lower positions and risen to great heights.

Linkedin’s number two pick is Alphabet which is the parent company of Google, Youtube, and others. Covid meant people weren’t commuting and had to stay in touch. And that is where Alphabet was able to step in and provide solutions. Businesses adopted Google’s Cloud service faster than you could say Speedy Mcspeederson. Its revenues grew 47 percent year over year. There are going to be 10,000 new full-time jobs in the U.S. available in 2021 and Alphabet is also putting down roots setting up offices and data centers across 19 different states.

There are other companies to keep an eye on that are growing at a rapid pace with a real culture of diversity. At number ten on the list is EY Accounting. EY is focusing on equality in their teams. Gender identity, race, ethnicity, disability, LGBTQ+, and veterans are all on their wish list and they are expanding at a massive rate. While many businesses downsized during COVID due to the economic disruptions, EY grew and invested heavily in their people spending a whopping $450 million in employee training. They are planning to hire over 15,000 people in the next year.

No matter where you choose to hang your hat, make sure the job and workplace are what you need -- as well as what you want. Give yourself the respect you deserve to find the right fit for yourself. After all, life is there to be lived and your days on the earth are yours to enjoy. Working to survive is one way to do it, but finding purpose and joy in your daily work, and being part of a team that is working towards common goals is far better than punching the clock and waiting to retire.

No matter where you choose to hang your hat, make sure the job and workplace are what you need -- as well as what you want. Give yourself the respect you deserve to find the right fit for yourself. After all, life is there to be lived and your days on the earth are yours to enjoy. Working to survive is one way to do it, but finding purpose and joy in your daily work, and being part of a team that is working towards common goals is far better than punching the clock and waiting to retire.